速報APP / 醫療 / EBM Stats Calc

EBM Stats Calc



檔案大小:927.7 KB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


EBM Stats Calc(圖1)-速報App

Occasionally in medicine, we really need to "do the math". This app will help. EBM Stats Calc let's a clinician do calculations that are hard or impossible to do in one's head. A clinician can get NNT's (number needed to treat) from rates, percentages, or raw event and patient numbers. And a clinician can use sensitivity and specificity or likelihood ratios (LR+, LR-) to go from a pretest probability to posttest probability and positive predictive value and negative predictive value.

EBM Stats Calc(圖2)-速報App

Although these calculators themselves are somewhat novel for apps, the unique tool in this app is for educators. Students and residents have a hard time understanding how the utility of a test can vary with pretest probability. Instead of saying it in words and hoping they get it, now you can demonstrate it. A test might perform well, giving good PPV and NPV, when pretest probability is in a certain range. But slide that pretest probability up or down and see the diagnostic utility change with the numbers flying right before your eyes. The tool also shows a student that in many cases, an imprecise estimate of pretest probability doesn't much matter. Different doctors might judge a clinical case to suggest likelihood of disease (pretest probability) of 40%, 50%, or 60%. The slider tool shows that the differences may not matter, and the test in mind will render good clarity regardless of differing opinions on pretest probability.

EBM Stats Calc(圖3)-速報App

The app is written for clinicians, students, residents, and especially educators, in any discipline of medicine. As a clinician and educator myself, I would be grateful for feedback to make the tool better.

EBM Stats Calc(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad